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The status quo of Chinese society under Coronaviruses spreading

2020年1月29日 没有评论

This is another test for China and the world community after SARS. At this moment, any slamming, taunting, fanning, and gloating are all manifestations of lack of humanity. The virus does not recognize the country, nation, race, rich or poor. There is no difference in virus transmission.

China’s powerful system and the effective measures it has taken to prevent and control novel coronavirus-related pneumonia are rarely seen in the world, Director-General of the United Nations’ World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Tuesday.

Ghebreyesus made the remarks while meeting with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing.

The WHO and the international community highly appreciates, and fully affirms the decisive measures the Chinese government has taken to deal with the outbreak and also thank China for its tremendous efforts to curb the spread of the contagion, he said.

China set a record in identifying the pathogen in a short time following the outbreak of the contagious disease, Ghebreyesus said, and he praised the country’s timely sharing of the virus’ DNA information with the WHO and other countries.

I don’t know the source of the so-called news of many foreign friends. As a Chinese, I saw the initial panic, and I also saw the current stability.

In response to the GVM’s call, the school has delayed the start of school, and most companies have extended the Spring Festival holiday. This is not a sign of lack of confidence in controlling the virus, it is one of the measures to put people’s lives first.

Everyone knows that this is the most effective way to control the spread of the virus.

I went to supermarkets, fruit shops, etc., and there was no snap-up like it was fabricated by some media. Prices have not skyrocketed. The price department is also strictly controlling the prices of daily necessities to protect people’s daily lives.

Relevant departments have made the unified deployment of some protective supplies such as masks to ensure timely and adequate supply. Which country can make such an appropriate response in the first place?

It’s really boring to stay at home every day, but who wants to joke with life? As someone who is very busy working every day, having more time to spend with his family may also be a good thing. After all, too many people complain that the Spring Festival holiday in just a few days is not long enough.

The internet is well developed. Although I can’t meet my relatives, friends, colleagues to celebrate the Spring Festival, isn’t it convenient for video chat? Why not give up the temporary joy in exchange for the safety of life?

We are very grateful to the medical staff, community service staff, and social service staff who gave up their holidays and took great risks in helping patients, maintaining social stability and creating a more secure environment.

I am grateful for living in such a country. I believe that every Chinese thinks so.

In such a severe situation, in order to eliminate the virus as quickly as possible and ensure the safety of people’s lives, any measures are reasonable.

Every Chinese should understand and understand.

People of all countries in the world who have experienced various natural and man-made disasters should marvel at China’s timely and effective measures.

As an international trade practitioner, I have sincerely explained to each of my customers our current status. We don’t need to whitewash or conceal anything, because we have done our best to do a good job.

I believe that the Chinese people will be able to eliminate the disease as soon as possible. Because we eliminated more severe SARS than this time in 2003, didn’t we?

任正非谈孟晚舟:正常历史长河中 磨难都会出英雄

2019年12月10日 没有评论


任总是伟大的,无论作为个人、父亲、企业家、商界领袖…! 甚至中国外交官需要多研读这篇采访纪要。近几年少见的思想光芒,与智者同行,受益匪浅。

1、Nathan VanderKlippe,《环球邮报》驻亚洲记者:非常感谢任先生能够再次接受我这名加拿大记者的采访。现在距离孟晚舟女士被捕已经整整一年了。因此,我想问问您一年前发生了什么。关于孟女士被捕,在加拿大发生的事情我们已经比较了解了,但在中国发生了什么,您个人身上发生了什么,我们了解得还不多。



Nathan VanderKlippe:所以,不去美国并不是为了避免在当地被捕或者逃避法律问题?


2、Nathan VanderKlippe:孟女士在温哥华被捕后,您是如何得知这一消息的?您当时在哪里?是谁通过什么途径告诉您这个消息的?


Nathan VanderKlippe:当时您本来也要去阿根廷。您一开始是不是也计划从加拿大转机?


Nathan VanderKlippe:孟晚舟被捕后并没有直接给您打电话,而是通知了华为的法务部。您知道这是为什么吗?她为什么给法务部打电话,而不是直接给您打电话?


Nathan VanderKlippe:您是否还记得,在您得知孟晚舟被捕后,您给法务部下了什么指示?您给他们下达了什么目标?


3、Nathan VanderKlippe:您刚才说,一开始,您以为这件事是因为误解,法律上的误解产生的。那您是从什么时候开始意识到这件事可能会更重大,不仅对孟女士来说更重大,而且还牵扯到整个公司的?


Nathan VanderKlippe:所以从去年12月到今年5月,您一直认为这件事是意外、是误会造成的?


Nathan VanderKlippe:那您当时觉得应该以什么样的方式解决这一问题呢?



2016年7月13日 没有评论

新华社北京7月12日电 中华人民共和国政府关于在南海的领土主权和海洋权益的声明










中国上述立场符合有关国际法和国际实践。 阅读全文…


2010年11月30日 1 条评论

Why the west should not demonise China
By Minxin Pei
Nowadays China and “assertiveness” have become practically synonymous. The portrayal of the Middle Kingdom in the western press is uniformly unflattering. It is maintaining an undervalued currency to gain unfair trade advantages; it is bullying its neighbours in territorial disputes; it is doing nothing to rein in the dangerous North Korean regime and, despite its escalating aggression (including the latest artillery attacks on South Korea), continues to pump aid into Pyongyang.

Within China, however, popular perception of Beijing’s international behaviour is almost the exact opposite. Most ordinary people believe the Chinese government is, if anything, not assertive enough. They see their leaders as spineless and western criticisms of Chinese behaviour as unfair and hypocritical.

Take, for example, two well-publicised issues: the tussle over China’s exchange rate policy and the Sino- Japanese row over disputed islands in the East China Sea. The predominant perception within China is that America is unfairly blaming China for its own economic woes and bullying China to adopt a policy change that would only hurt the Chinese economy without reviving America’s growth. In the case of the Sino-Japanese dispute, most Chinese believe the west has unfairly sided with Japan.


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