
‘童言无忌’ 分类的存档

Bob’s your uncle.

2010年10月27日 没有评论

‘The native speakers weren’t more intelligent than the foreigners, but they sounded it, and so they were heard’

To be born an Englishman,” Cecil Rhodes supposedly said, “is to win first prize in the lottery of life.” But the old imperialist was wrong. What he should have said was, “To be born an English- speaker…” The global rise of bad English is helping us native speakers rise.
“生为英国人,”相传塞西尔•罗德斯(Cecil Rhodes)曾经说过,“相当于中了人生中第一张彩票。”这位老帝国主义者说错了,他应该说,“生为英语国家的人……”蹩脚的英语在全球盛行,帮助我们这些以英语为母语的人跟着得势。

I first realised our advantage at a conference last year. The speakers came from across northern Europe, but they all gave their talks in English – or a sort of English. Germans, Belgians and French people would stand up and, in monotones and distracting accents, read out speeches that sounded as if they’d been turned into English by computers. Sometimes the organisers begged them to speak their own languages, but they refused. Meanwhile the conference interpreters sat idle in their booths.

Each new speaker lost the audience within a minute. Yet whenever a native English-speaker opened his mouth, the audience listened. The native speakers sounded conversational, and could make jokes, add nuance. They weren’t more intelligent than the foreigners, but they sounded it, and so they were heard. Here, in microcosm, was a nascent international hierarchy: native English- speakers rule.


分类: 童言无忌, 网海拾贝 标签:


2009年8月24日 没有评论


分类: 朝花夕拾, 童言无忌 标签: